Gathering a core group of top academics, executives, or journalists in a roundtable format provides an effective way to share ideas and get your organization known to a wide audience:
ACADEMIC: For deans and other academic leaders, our academic roundtables focus discussion and strategic thinking on a global education topic or on an issue relevant to schools in a specific region.
EXECUTIVE: Bringing together high-level thinkers in a roundtable format provides one of the best opportunities for problem solving, forwarding research, advancing business, and making connections with colleagues.
MEDIA: For organizations, schools or individuals with a book or product, a media roundtable is an effective way to get your story out to top-tier media outlets. By invitation only, these roundtables bring together targeted TV, magazine, newspaper, and new media journalists, allowing you to reach a variety of audiences in just one meeting.
MaKiNetwork Business Media Conference
Join one of our elite international conferences created specifically for business school leaders. Meet top international journalists and education editors in key cities to hone your understanding of the topics they cover, make the right contacts for your school, and broaden your network.
Founded in 2005 by Kiki Keating and Matt Symonds, the MaKiNetwork organizes international conferences bringing together top media producers, writers, and editors with business school media and communications professionals. Conferences take place in Europe, Asia, the GCC, and Latin America. Learn more and register for our next event at MaKiNetwork
Fintech Media Conference
FinTech Media is an event created for communications and finance professionals who would like to meet and hear from journalists and experts covering FinTech. Based on our MaKi events held since 2004 for universities, FinTech Media allows financial professionals to network with business and financial journalists in one place, at one time. Panelist reporters and editors discuss their coverage areas in banking, finance, and FinTech and answer audience questions. Two afternoon panels include CEOs of FinTech startups along with academic researchers and regulators. Space is limited to 70 so that each attendee can meet each journalist. FinTech Meet the Media is produced by KikiNetwork.
Industry Conferences
Join our tailored, by-invitation conferences which bring together industry leaders with the media in that industry. You’ll have opportunities to make new contacts with the right people. Meet the journalists who cover your area and learn how to work with them effectively. Take part in panel discussions on industry trends, new ways of doing business, and how to promote your brand or product.