The full solution to your PR goals—we assess your needs, develop a strategy, and connect you with the right partners.
“Kiki is persistent, fearless, and eager to travel into new terrain to make contacts and organize important influencers.”
KikiNetwork connects people across the globe
—through events, networks, and the media.
Kiki Keating brings a wealth of experience in communications strategy and practice to KikiNetwork, a boutique global PR firm. As the founding Director of Public and Media Relations at Dartmouth College’s Tuck School of Business, she worked from 1998 through 2013 to build awareness and advance the reputation of the Tuck and Dartmouth brands throughout the world. Kiki created KikiNetwork in 2013, and co-founded MaKiNetwork, an international conference for top global business and education media, in 2006. She runs both businesses today.
Since 2014, KikiNetwork has focused on a small number of elite clients, bringing them international recognition, implementing communications and public relations strategies, and working closely with them to promote research and expertise, build brand recognition, meet press, and run unique programs and events around the globe. To stay in touch with media, she has run an international conference for top global business media since 2006.
A former trial attorney, Kiki is also a certified mediator/arbitrator. She is a recognized leader in the business communications world and a frequent speaker at global business school conferences. She resides in New Hampshire and commutes regularly to Boston, New York, and locations around the world for event and media relations assignments.